PRO-PERFECT 500g/800g/1Kg

Pro Perfect is a concentrated whey protein supplement with an 85% protein content based on an ultra low temperature filtration to keep the natural milk properties intact.



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Pro Perfect is a concentrated whey protein supplement with an 85% protein content based on an ultra low temperature filtration to keep the natural milk properties intact.

The product is suitable for adult sportsmen who want to integrate their diets with high quality protein sources. As everybody knows, proteins contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle tone. This protein powder has an exceptional taste and easily dissolves in water, skim milk or other liquids.



The protein contained in this supplement is concentrated, which means that it is totally made up of filtered, evaporated and dry-sprayed bovine milk and has a slightly higher percentage of carbohydrates and lactose compared to the isolate serum.

A good quality concentrated serum has a protein concentration of 80-85% with a 5% of carbohydrates and, even if it may be considered as a basic protein, it's absolutely effective as it keeps his organoleptic qualities.

The metabolic activity of this macronutrient is directly connected with the protein synthesis and therefore with a faster physical post-workout recovery. That's why this supplement is perfect for the tissues regeneration processes and to prevent catabolism.

Moreover, whey proteins possess a high biological value and are composed of various types of provides such as beta-lactoglobulins (~ 65%), alpha-lactalbumin (~ 25%), serum albumine (~ 8%) and immunoglobulins (~ 2%), that are very important for the immune system thanks to their antiseptic peculiarities that can stimulate the elimination of viruses and toxins.



Just like the other highly bioavailable food sources, like eggs, meat and casein, whey protein has some important peculiarities such as:

  • The high presence of Bcaa, branched chain amino acids;
  • A high biological value thanks to its Essential Amino Acids content;
  • An easy digestibility with a fast increase of amino acids postprandial levels.

All these features make this macronutrient a useful remedy for all kind of sportsman. In fact, Pro Perfect promotes beneficial effects such as:

  • the supply of basic substrates for protein synthesis;
  • the inhibition of protein catabolism;
  • the optimization of physical recovery after a grueling workout;
  • the function as a glucogenetic substrate, an energy production process alternative to carbohydrates;
  • the stimulation of new proteins synthesis to support the construction of lean tissue.


PRO PERFECT: Directions

We recommend taking four scoops of product a day, equal to 30g, dissolved in water or an other liquid. This product is easily soluble, has a natural and pleasant taste and is highly digestible.

In terms of anti-catabolic support and energy recovery, it is desirable to consume this supplement together with Bcaa l3 and Atp Force 2.0, especially in the post-exercise phase, because the body is in need of quickly digestible and readily available nutrients.

Pro-Perfect Ingredients: Ultra Filtered concentrated milk whey proteins, lean cocoa powder (for the cocoa taste), other flavorings and sucralose.

Nutritional Facts
900g Gusto Cacao
Servings per container: 17/27/33Serving Size: 30 (3 misurini)
Active Ingredients % Daily Value
Valore Energetico 120Kcal
Proteine 26,6g
Carboidrati 2,07g
di cui zuccheri 1,71g
di cui saturi1,29g
di cui Zinco4,5mg
di cui Magnesio60mg
di cui Vitamina B60,42mg
Enzimix® 0,050mg
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
Other ingredients: Proteine concentrate del siero di latte delattosate con aggiunta di lattasi; cacao magro olandese in polvere (per aromi su base cacao); idrossimetilbutirrato (HMB), ZMA® -2000E InterHealth (zinco-mono-L-metionina, zinco aspartato, magnesio aspartato e vitamina B6);
Enzimix® (complesso enzimatico vegetale contenente: Amilasi 6000 D.U., Proteasi 12000 HUT, Glucoamilasi 8 AGU; Lipasi 225FOC FP, Cellulasi 12000 CU, Lattasi 2000 ALU, Pectinasi 28 endo PGU). Edulcorante: Sucralosio.
Istructions: Si consiglia di assumere 3 misurini di prodotto (pari a 30 circa) in 250ml d'acqua o latte scremato.
Warnings: Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini di età inferiore ai tre anni. Non superare la dose consigliata. Gli integratori non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata ed equilibrata e di uno stile di vita corretto. Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto al riparo da luce e fonti di calore. La data di scadenza si riferisce al prodotto integro, correttamente conservato.



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PRO-PERFECT 500g/800g/1Kg

PRO-PERFECT 500g/800g/1Kg

Pro Perfect is a concentrated whey protein supplement with an 85% protein content based on an ultra low temperature filtration to keep the natural milk properties intact.

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