This food supplement has a unique formula consisting in a blend of soluble cappuccino and green coffee, garcinia cambogia and ganoderma dry extracts. It helps burning fat and losing weight by speeding up the metabolism and providing an antioxidant action.
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This food supplement has a unique formula consisting in a blend of soluble cappuccino and green coffee, garcinia cambogia and ganoderma dry extracts. It helps burning fat and losing weight by speeding up the metabolism and providing an antioxidant action.
Green coffee is the result of a different process in which the coffee seeds are only dried instead of being roasted. It's rich in caffeine and chlorogenic acid, a substance that is normally destroyed by the roasting processes. It has a tonic and metabolic support action and it's also rich in methylxanthines (including caffeine), some natural molecules that speed up the metabolism, increasing the percentage of burned fats.
Garcinia cambogia is a substance that comes from the homonymous woody plant of the Clusiaceae family and contributes to the lipids metabolism, the body weight balance and the control of the sense of hunger. It stimulates the liver to synthesize the sugar, causing a reserve glucose increase in the liver. In this way the brain, certain about the sugar stocks in the body, inhibits the hunger stimulus, producing a decrease in appetite and an increase in satiety.
Ganoderma is a parasitic fungus and one of the most powerful antioxidants known in the history of nutraceuticals that helps to strengthen the body's natural defenses. It contains some active ingredients that help the organism to regulate cholesterol levels and blood sugar, acting positively on the cardiac arrhythmia and blood pressure and promoting the achievement of physical and mental well-being. It also has an antimicrobial effect thanks to the antibacterial enzyme lysozyme and the protease acid.
Metto 5 stelle perché li vale
Nel precedente commento che ho fatto(dicevo che è gradevole. e funziona per il metabolismo ) ho scordato di mettere 5 stelle , perché li vale
Molto Gradevole
Gradevole e molto solubile ,man mano che lo assumo sento che il mio metabolismo lavora già meglio e lo prendo da soli 4 giorni!
veramente gradevole
Il gusto è ottimo così come la solubilità, questo prodotto è stato veramente una piacevole sorpresa x me.
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Cappuccino plus relax
Quando ho voglia di qualcosa di dolce, bevo il mio, cappuccio, e la voglia sparisce ,